Sunday, July 20, 2008

BYU Womens Conference

If anyone would like to watch any of the talks from the BYU Women's Conference that was held in May of this year Lindy has access to the DVDs so please contact her if you would like to borrow them. These are the talks:
1. Strengthening Thy Stakes: Standing Strong and Immovable in Faith (Julie B Beck)
2. My Body is the Temple My Father Gave to Me: Teaching Children Virtue and Chastity
(Ann Farnsworth and Cheryl C. Lant)
3. A Partnership of Equals: "Neither is the Man without the Woman, Neither the Woman without the Man" (Lolly & Russell Osguthorpe)
4. Two talks given about preparing our children so that when they enter the MTC it is a review not a revelation - (this topic taken by Sister Beck's talk in General Conference last November.) Can't remember the names of the speakers but both were excellent and interesting - worth watching while your children are young.


Evelynne Hatchard said...

i would LOVE to borrow that Lindy! i heard great things about that conference.

Bron Williams said...

yep im next for the borrow....
and hey make me cry ! I just watched & loooooved the utube on Emma Smith.thansk so much for posting....absolutley amazing beautiful
love this blog an all your work posting n stuff

Miriam said...

I'm joining the cue too.
The topics sound very very good.

jill said...

I am interested! Please put me on the list.