Friday, January 16, 2009

Next Enrichment Meeting

"...Prepare Every Needful Thing" is the title of our next Enrichment Meeting.

There will be a real mixture of things we can prepare for such as death, technology, financial preparedness plus things like homemade washing powder, dehydrating, sealing food. It might sound weird just reading it like this but come along and check it out. There will be free time to look at the things you are most interested in plus a demonstration to help us all!

So now I know you are all dying to know when it is on. OK, I won't hold you in suspense any longer - put in your diary now

Thursday 19 February
Rosny Chapel
7 - 8.30 pm
Bring a friend!

We are really hoping this year that you will all feel comfortable to bring someone along to Enrichment (who normally doesn't attend or a non-member -or both would be fantastic!). We are trying to make them comfortable and non-threatening and interesting enough for everyone to bring along a friend. If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our Enrichment Meetings in any way please let us know. We are always keen to do better.

Thanks for those who have given us suggestions for Enrichment Activities - looks like a bookclub is going to happen this year - (I can hear Bron and Marianne saying - 'about time too'!!!)

1 comment:

Bron Williams said...

yaaay thanks guys :)
looks like alot of thought and prayer has goen into the planning for this year already
muchly appreciated