Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What happened on Sunday

1. We welcomed Bethany's mum visiting with us this week as well as several others that I have forgotten the names of and didn't write down so I apologise.
2. We updated the sisters on Barbara and Enid - Barbara, still in hospital, Enid back at Lillian Martins.
3. We enjoyed having the young women in with us, and Maryanne led us with our lesson on one of the Young Women's values - Choice and Accoutability. We divided into small groups and discussed one of the options under that value (hope this is making sense).
4. We reminded every one about our responsibilities with regard to 'extra' chapel cleaning that we as a Relief Society need to do. Rachael asked us to meet at the chapel at 9 am on Saturday morning, and hopefully if lots of sisters come we will be finished all the work in about an hour. So spread the word, lets all pitch in and help make our chapel sparkle. (If you can't make it Saturday morning please contact Rachael if you can do something at another time during this week - I'm heading up on Friday so you can join me then if you like).