Ok here's our regular little update on what happened in Relief Society on Sunday:-
1. The first Sunday of the month the young women and their leaders also come into Relief Society for the beginning part. We stand as a group and recite the young womens theme together. It's great having such beautiful young faces with us.
2. We had several visitors with us today and hope that everyone made them feel welcome.
3. Sister Helen's bag of groceries is looking really full and if you want to drop something into it before we give it to her next week you are most welcome.
4. Anyone in a leadership position is invited to attend a Leadership Meeting with Elder Paul Sybrowski on Friday 13 June, 7 pm at the Stake Centre.
5. There's a young married fireside at the Stake Centre on Sunday, 22 June at 7 pm.
6. Remember to put your name on the Board for Tithing Settlement with the Bishop
7. We wished Charlotte all the best on her upcoming marriage to Jake next Saturday
8. New Visiting Teaching slips were given out - those in Primary and Young Womens if possible seek out Sister Barbara to collect yours, otherwise she will endeavour to seek you out!
9. We had a 5 minute section today with Sister Barbara regarding Visiting Teaching. She talked about how we don't have to stay long in a home, how we need to seek the spirit to discern the needs of the sisters we visit and not to talk about ourselves! This month we need to choose a talk from the May 2008 Ensign to share with our sisters.
10. Miriam then spent 5 minutes talking about our Family Mission Plans and the types of goals we could set as individuals or as families to help us with our Family Mission Plans. If you need any help with your Family Mission Plan please ask a member of the Relief Society Presidency, the Ward Mission Leader or have the missionaries over for a meal and ask them to help you make one!
11. So sorry Belle I forgot to hand out the missionary food roster for the month!! (SO SORRY MISSIONARIES! - not that they will know how sorry we are because they won't be reading this blog!!) They only have 1 dinner appointment this coming week so if you could send some food their way I am sure they would appreciate it (and their mothers at home will also be very grateful). That will go around in Relief Society next week so please be mindful of the missionaries.
12. Sister Diana gave our lesson as Sister Janet wasn't able to make it at the last minute. Thanks Diana, you did a great job at very short notice and the discussion was based around a talk by Robert D. Hales in the November 2007 Ensign entitled Personal Revelation: The Teachings and Examples of the Prophets. "We prepare to receive personal revelation as the prophets do, by studying the scriptures, fasting, praying and building faith. Faith is the key."
13. Then sisters shared personal testimonies with each other.